Beetle Kill Pine Projects, What Can I Build?

With the beetle kill pine epidemic finally coming to an end, it’s time to figure out what to do with all that lumber! There is a big push right now to adopt beetle kill pine as the go-to lumber because there is so much that needs to be used. The more we can use, the less will be burnt and turned into CO2. So, let’s look at some examples of how you can use the blue stain around your home:

Beetle Kill Pine for Flooring Projects

Blue stain wood looks great as flooring, but, because it’s a softwood, it’s important to keep in mind that it will scratch easily. This, hopefully,  shouldn’t deter the more graceful homeowners out there, as blue stain looks stunning when used in wide, open spaces (sing it with me now).

Beetle Kill Pine for Siding Projects

This product is so popular, it’s made its way to mainstream sports. For example, Coors Field’s Blue Moon Brewery recently incorporated beetle kill pine for their decor. They used it to not only side their bar, but used it for their tables, too. Go Rockies!

Beetle Kill Pine for Roofing Projects

We recently had some customers use blue stain wood for the ceiling of their living room and it turned out beautifully.

And here is some more inspiration from around the web:

Beetle Kill Pine Furniture Projects

Here are a few more examples of what blue stain / beetle kill pine can be used for.

Whatever you decide to use beetle kill pine for, remember that by choosing blue stain you are helping to combat the damage done by these little guys:

And helping to restore this:

Colorado Lodgepole Pine


Give us a call  to find out more about blue stain wood and get a quote or ideas for your next project!


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