5 Tips on Redwood Deck Maintenance for Homeowners

Redwood deck in forested area

Are you in the market for a new deck?


You’ve taken the first step to upgrading your home and boosting its value by deciding to build yourself deck. Whether it be a traditional softwood, an exotic hardwood or even a composite material – you can never go wrong by choosing to add a deck.

But which material will you choose for your deck?

When it comes to this decision, many homeowners have varying reasons for their choice.

Maybe you want something that won’t break the bank but is completely affordable? Maybe you’re looking for something that will make your neighbor’s jaws drop. Or perhaps you’re looking for a material that requires little to no maintenance – that way you can enjoy your deck without having to worry about upkeep.

Redwood deck RMFP

But let’s say you fall into the category of looking for a low cost solution that also looks incredible. If that sounds like you, then a traditional softwood like Cedar or Redwood would be ideal. But most homeowners still have maintenance as a priority for their decision.

So to help you form the best decision possible, we’ll cover redwood deck maintenance for homeowners.

Redwood Provides a Natural Resistance

Redwood deck maintenance can actually be quite easy, as the resins within the wood allows for greater resistance over things like insects, rot and decay.

Plus, Redwood is incredibly strong for its weight giving it greater dimensional stability. You’ll have a beautiful and structurally sound deck that is resistant to shrinking, warping, and checking.

Redwood Decking RMFP

And if you’re expecting to hang out on your deck when it starts to get hot, redwood will stay cool beneath your feet!

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

When it comes to maintenance, the general consensus is that softwood decks require lots of upkeep. While wood decks do require a bit of maintenance, the amount is not as significant as people make it out to be.

For example, the norm calls for wooden decks to be re-stained annually – which can definitely seem like a tedious task or even a burden.

Redwood v Fiberon Decking Blog Pic

But did you know that most homeowners can actually get by without doing so?

Yes, it’s true! You don’t have to perform an annual re-stain, only when you see fit. That could be every two years or even three.

Plus, there are actually aesthetic benefits to not re-staining annually. By not doing so, you can effectively have your redwood color slightly fade. The result is a weathered, organic and even a reclaimed look – which many homeowners are starting to take interest in.

Concluding Thoughts

At the end of the day, while it’s largely believed that redwood deck maintenance is too much to handle. However, it’s far from the truth.

Any material you choose will require some sort of maintenance and upkeep, and Redwood’s natural resistive characteristics and strength for its weight gives it incredible value.

A redwood deck has a long lifespan and an unmatched aesthetic, so if you’re looking to upgrade your home give us a call!


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